Want to know how you can support Venture Films?



Pray for God’s blessing and to open doors and put the department in contact with those He wants us to connect with.

Property Use

Property Use

Allow us to use any locations you might have access to for our various projects, such as: Land, Corporate/Commercial spaces, Warehouses, Houses, or Shops

Financial Support

Financial Support

By donations, monthly support, one-time gifts, etc.

Equipment Donations

Equipment Donation

Donation of equipment that might be useful within the realm of media.

Not only does Venture Films produce films in-house, but we are also available for hire for corporate and commercial work as a means to raise funds for these projects and stories that God has laid on our hearts to tell.

Here are a few of the projects we currently have in the planning phase:
-Historical short film on the happenings of Benedict Arnold
-Testimonial series of God’s miraculous work in everyday believers
-Feature Film on the true-life story of Bruce and Sammy Frye
-Nicole’s Attic Season 2 (children’s TV series)
-Biblical short film on the story of Jael

It is the desire of Venture Films to engage and challenge every viewer to live for the sole purpose of glorifying Christ with their life and advancing His Kingdom. If this is something that you would like to support, please contact our department at 864-268-9342 or at info@venturefilms.org

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